The Windsor Garden Club, Established in 1937
From this meeting, consensus was reached to conduct the first, formal meeting of the Club on September 27th. The meeting was held at the home of Mrs. Edward Fish, 30 Laurel Avenue.
Mrs. William R. Snelgrove was assigned the duties of chairperson of an initial nominating committee, which would present recommendations for the initial slate of Club officers.
Mrs. Frederick J. Eberle was designated as the chairperson of a committee that would plan the events of the September meeting.
Another committee would write initial Club bylaws. Mrs. Hillard Bryant led this committee. The bylaws provided the initial structure for the continued operations of the Club.
The initial plans of the new Club included a monthly evening meeting on the fourth Monday of the month. Also planned were two garden shows each month, as well as guest speakers at each monthly meeting. Club membership was opened to men as well as women.
