Club Governing Documents
The updated bylaws were adopted February, 2024. WINDSOR GARDEN CLUB CONSTITUTION AND BYLAWS Constitution ARTICLE I Name This Association shall be called The Windsor Garden Club. ARTICLE II Purpose The purpose of this club will be to promote an interest in gardening, wild plant life, trees, civic beautification, environmental issues, and to carry on such activities as may be necessary or desirable to effect these purposes. ARTICLE III Membership Membership shall be open to those who take an interest in these objectives. Membership categories include Active and Honorary. A. Active Member: A member involved in the mission of the Club and willing to participate in and support the activities of the Club. An Active Member is required to attend a minimum of three (3) meetings during the year and must hold an office and/or be a member of a Standing Committee. B. Honorary Member: A member who has made a meaningful contribution to the development and enhancement of the Club. An Honorary Member is nominated by a current member and voted upon and elected by a majority of the Executive Board. An Honorary Member retains voting rights in all Club matters. While an Honorary Member is not charged any Club dues, said member is asked to contribute to the cost of any special banquets, dinners or workshops attended. Members must be active in the Club for a minimum of ten (10) years to qualify. ARTICLE IV Officers A. The officers of the club shall consist of a President, Vice-President, Corresponding Secretary, Recording Secretary, and Treasurer, all of whom shall be elected at the annual meeting. B. The terms of the office shall be one year. C. The duties of the officers shall be those regularly assigned to such offices. ARTICLE V Executive Board A. There shall be an Executive Board, which shall consist of the officers and the most recent past President. ARTICLE VI Committees A. Standing Committees shall consist of Membership, Nominating, Program, and Ways and Means (which includes fundraising efforts such as the Garden Mart and Garden Tour), Civic Endeavors, Communications, and Hospitality. Chairs of these committees shall be appointed by the President. B. The chair of each committee shall preside over respective committee meetings as necessary, to fulfill requirements of each committee, and report from time to time at Club meetings. ARTICLE VII Meetings A. The Club shall ordinarily hold meetings on the second Monday of each month, January through December, with the exception of May, when the meeting will be held on the Monday occurring immediately before the Spring Garden Mart. June, July and August meetings are optional. Dates could change due to religious or national holidays. B. The Officers elected at a fall meeting (in October or November) will assume duties the following January 1st. ARTICLE VIII Amending Bylaws and Constitution A. The Constitution and Bylaws may be amended at any meeting of the Club by a two-thirds vote of the members present; such proposed amendments having been e-mailed/mailed to the membership prior to the meeting. ARTICLE IX Funds A. Dues are payable by January 1st of each year. Any Member in arrears as of April 1st will no longer be considered a member. B. No profits shall proceed to any member of the Windsor Garden Club. C. The executive board establishes the annual budget. Any addition to the executive board-adopted budget of $500 or more must be discussed one (1) month prior to a vote at a monthly meeting. ARTICLE X Dissolution A. In the event of dissolution, the net assets, after payment of debts, will proceed to an organization holding a 501(c)3 tax exemption status, as determined by the membership. Such distribution must be restricted to organizations supporting and carrying out the purposes or guidelines outlined in Article II. . BYLAWS DUTIES OF THE OFFICERS AND COMMITTEE CHAIRS OF THE WINDSOR GARDEN CLUB PRESIDENT 1. Preside over and maintain order during meetings of the Windsor Garden Club. 2. Call and preside over at least 2 (two) executive board meetings per year. 3. Serve as ex officio member of all standing committees. (see committees) 4. Coordinate the development and publishing of the yearly membership booklet. Arrange for cover artist, printing, and distribution. 5. Draft article for publication in each Earthworm. 6. Oversees Ways and Means (all fundraising committees – Garden Mart, Garden Tour, etc.) 7. Maintain responsibility for PO Box key and gavel. 8. Retrieve and distribute mail from the PO Box in a timely manner. 9. Maintain/coordinate all signs (yard signs, garden mart sign) VICE PRESIDENT 1. In the absence of the President, assume all duties and responsibilities of the office of the President. 2. Plans and coordinates monthly meeting programs (January – April and September – November) and books all meeting locations for each monthly meeting. 3. Introduce speakers. 4. Serve as member of the Garden Mart Committees. 5. Arrange special events, e.g. garden visits, field trip, etc. 6. Purchase appreciation gift for outgoing President. 7. Coordinates the annual Holiday Luncheon to take place in December. CORRESPONDING SECRETARY 1. Prepare all correspondence for the Windsor Garden Club. 2. Send get-well wishes to ill members and condolence cards to families of deceased members. 3. Oversee selection and purchase of memorial books in memory of deceased members for donation to the Windsor Public Library. 4. Assure library acknowledges donation to family members of deceased member. RECORDING SECRETARY 1. Take minutes of meeting, prepare minutes in written form and present to members of the club at the following monthly meeting. 2. Maintain minutes of all meetings for historical preservation. TREASURER 1. Promptly pay all invoices. 2. Balance checkbook and report financial status to the membership at monthly meetings. 3. In concert with President, retrieve mail from PO Box. 4. Provide “set-up” money at fundraising events (e.g. the Garden Mart etc.) make periodic pick-ups and deposits, collect all money at the conclusion of the fundraising event. 5. Prepare final accounting report of income and expenses from all fundraising events (e.g. the Garden Mart, Garden Tour) 6. An independent audit will be conducted every four years. 7. Responsible for annual tax return for Windsor Garden Club. GARDEN MART CHAIR(S) 1. Confirm site and reserve the site for Garden Mart through the Town Hall. 2. Arrange for Garden Mart tables by follow up request with Windsor Parks & Grounds as noted on Town of Windsor Permit and/or through use of donated tables from WGC members 3. Coordinate with publicity chair for posters & wooden sign announcing date of Garden Mart. 4. Acquire trays/boxes for customer purchases. 5. Share with club members the need to bring a minimum 6 potted plants, labeled, not priced. Or contribute $25 to the garden mart. 6. Organize shifts and schedule to work the event, including set-up and take down utilizing club member sign-ups. 7. Bring aprons to Garden Mart. GARDEN TOUR CHAIR 1. A biannual (every two years) event shall be held to raise funds to support WGC activities. 2. Form committee, at least one member shall be an Executive Board member. 3. Work with a. committee and other WGC members to determine at least eight (8) sites, comprised of a mix of club and non-club member gardens. b. President and Treasurer to coordinate revenue and expense receipt, entry, and tracking c. Communications Committee to ensure inclusion of event on website, social media, and press. 4. Share garden tour host contact info with the Executive Board, Membership Chair(s), and Communication Committee as hosts receive a gratis WGC membership through December of the tour year; for one full year if already a WGC member at time of tour 5. Engage WGC members a. to assist in selling tickets. b. to assist at each garden tour site. HOSPITALITY CHAIR(S) 1. Assure that staples are on hand, e.g., sugar, paper goods, coffee, tea. 2. Fill in monthly hosts about what to provide. Provide milk (or non-dairy), refreshments, and set up and clean up. Set up includes setting the table, making coffee, providing and plating refreshments and table decorations. Clean up includes washing the coffee pot and any dishes used and assuring that all furniture is returned to the proper place. MEMBERSHIP CHAIR 1. Collect dues in conjunction with Treasurer. 2. Update membership list. 3. Distribute membership booklets. 4. Provide membership updates to the Earthworm Editor and to Website Chair. 5. Supply name tags for monthly meetings. 6. Tally membership attendance. 7. Coordinate inclusion of members only Facebook Group and removal with the Communications Committee. COMMUNICATIONS COMMITTEE Website 1. Oversee management of website for the purpose of promoting The Windsor Garden Club. (sending emails to: club members in advance of each meeting, sending Earthworm to club members; sharing special event notices with club members; contacting former members, interested parties during club member renewals; contacting former members, interested parties, and other garden clubs about special events such as Garden Mart and Garden Tour) 2. Coordinate with all committee chairs to obtain timely input for website. 3. Coordinate with website provider regarding our website for necessary website assistance/fees. 4. Coordinate online payments with associated officer/chair roles (e.g. membership payments etc.) Publicity & Social Media 1. Assure timely notice of upcoming meetings and events to local periodicals and calendars including, but not limited to, Hartford Courant, Windsor Journal, WIN TV, Journal Inquirer, Windsor Chamber of Commerce calendar, First Town Downtown calendar. 2. Advertise special events, e.g., Garden Mart, Garden Tour, etc. to same sources listed on item 1. 3. Coordinate with Town of Windsor Public Relations for submission of upcoming meetings and events for quarterly booklet, “There is a lot to do in Windsor. 4. Coordinate with Garden Mart Chair regarding posters and signage on the Town Green. 5. Coordinate with Garden Tour chair on poster distribution and any other additional publicity needed 6. Social Media – Manage public Facebook and Instagram accounts - @WindsorCTGardenClub a. Prepare and share posts appropriate for WGC members including: i. Upcoming meetings and events ii. Horticultural news or interesting facts iii. Photos of meetings, events, and gardens b. Encourage WGC submissions of material for posting. c. Encourage new membership. d. Manage members and content on the internal members only WGC group page. Earthworm Editor 1. Prepare quarterly newsletter to be published before the monthly meetings in January, April, July, October. Content should include: a. Date & time of upcoming meeting(s); b. Speaker and outline of topic to be discussed at meeting(s); c. Message from the President; d. Upcoming events of interest, e.g. flower shows, garden tours, etc. e. Summary of previous meetings; f. Member article submissions. 2. Ensure distribution to club members via email. 3. Procure labels, arrange for printing, acquire postage and mail newsletter to those club members without email 4. Shares two printed copies to membership chair and to historian HISTORIAN 1. Maintains WCG historical hard copy documents, photos, etc. 2. Arrange for acknowledgement of notable club anniversaries 3. Collects and stores copies of meeting minutes 4. Collects and stores Earthworm NOMINATING COMMITTEE CHAIR 1. Identify and recruit officers and standing committee chair candidates. 2. Prepare slate and call for any additional nominations in September. 3. Present to full membership for vote in October. CIVIC ENDEAVORS: Windsor Historical Society Garden 1. Form committee consisting of at least six (6) members. 2. Conduct a site meeting in April to review mission. 3. Develop and coordinate annual maintenance schedule with committee members, from April-November with each member working at least two of the six to seven dates 4. Windsor Historical Society will provide up to $150 annually to replace plants as needed in keeping with the historical aspects of the garden 5. Entry planters will also be maintained by Windsor Garden Club members 6. Assure correct labeling. 7. Serve as liaison between the Windsor Garden Club and the Windsor Historical Society Board of Directors. Scholarship Chair 1. Chair committee comprising of at least 2-3 members. 2. Correspond with Guidance Counselors providing application and selection criteria (usually done in March). 3. Share application and any revised selection criteria with Executive Board, Website and Social media chairs. 4. Conduct committee meeting to review applications and select recipient. 5. Notify recipient by phone & follow up with letter. 6. Confirm recipient in writing with the school. 7. Obtain check from Treasurer to mail or present at WGC meeting. 8. Inform Communications team about photo op and press release. 9. Communicate with other applicants. Town Beautification Chair 1. Recommend club projects to WGC members for town beautification. 2. Coordinate plantings with Parks & Recreation Department. Coordinate purchase and planting of flowers as necessary. Poquonock School Junior Gardener Program Chair 1. WGC program head works with the Family Resource Center at Poquonock School and recruits two to four (2-4) WGC members. 2. Schedule/timing: a. April. During Earth Day week, plant seeds with each classroom. WGC provide seed pots, soil and seeds. b. April. After April vacation, present weekly sessions with a selected group of ten (10) second graders. Provide folders for each student and handouts for each session. Sessions cover these topics: soil, invasives, seeds, insects, pollination, composting, and microbes. c. May. Plant the garden with students. d. June. Program concludes. 3. Encourage families to harvest the crops during the summer, completing the junior gardener experience. Civic Education Chair 1. Represent Windsor Garden Club at town events by tabling to display both membership materials and general plant information. 2. Town events include Thursday Farmer’s Market; major summer/fall events (Monarch festival, other major Town Green events etc) 3. Ensure collateral educational material is up to date (consult with UCONN Extension office in Windsor) with adequate supply for distribution to public. Holiday Wreath Donation Chair 1. Coordinates with Vice President on date of wreath making to ensure meeting space is reserved (typically the last Monday in November). 2. Selects, contacts, and coordinates Windsor nonprofit location sites. 3. Orders, plans to purchase and coordinates pick up of wreathes and sprays from vendor. 4. Prepares labels to attach to wreaths with name, location on one side and Windsor Garden Club mailing address on the reverse. 5. Ensures room is cleaned of all wreath debris. 6. Coordinates timely wreath delivery to locations. Bylaws amended February 2024. 2024 Club Co-President: Jim Govoni 2024 Club Co-President: Allison Joanis 2023 Club President: David Stender |
